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Q11) What is the patent reexamination system in Korea?  
Q12) What to do to register a patent?  
Q13) Is it possible to register only some of the granted claims?  
Q14) Is it possible to pay the patent registration fee or annuities after the lapse of the deadline for payment?  
Q15) What documents are required for registering the assignment of a patent or a patent application?  
Q16) What is the effective date from which an infringement is considered to have occurred or commenced (e.g., publication)?  
Q17) When can court actions for infringement commence? Only after the granting of a patent?  
Q18) How soon after any alleged infringement occurs must a court action be filed by the patentee?  
Q19) Is there the opportunity to obtain interlocutory injunctions to stop infringing acts quickly?  
Q20) What is the likelihood of success in litigation?